Amkeni Wakenya

Amkeni Wakenya

Promoting Economic, Social and Cultural rights in Bahari and Ganze Consituency in Kilifi County This is a 3 year project implemented with financial support from UNDP-Amkeni Wakenya. The first year of the project focused on enhancing the capacity of young people in Kikambala Division ?

Kilifi County to meaningfully participate in local governance and adequately address their issues. Specifically, the project sought to: strengthen and support Kikambala divisional youth councils to access information regarding democratic governance, supporting citizen�s rights, duties and leadership to build capacity of young leaders with a focus on women on civic education, decision making and good governance to create willingness among the local government and leadership to involve the youth in decision making and impart knowledge to the youths on their citizenship rights so as to effectively participate in public decision making processes in Kikambala.

After the passing and promulgation of the new constitution of Kenya, major gains were provided for in the bill of rights. Review of the project saw it realigned to focuses on the bill of rights specifically Economic, Social and Cultural rights using the Human rights based approach. The specific outcomes envisaged included: To increase awareness of all Human Rights with specific interest on Economic, Social and Cultural rights in targeting youth, in school and out of school, women, men, people with disabilities among others and to promote Citizen�s engagement in development and implementation of Legislative and policy frame works on Economic Social and Cultural Human Rights and specific application.

The success of the project is anchored on the following outputs: Participatory Consultative meetings with Stakeholders including duty bearers and representatives from target groups for action planning, mapping and human rights charter development; Public awareness campaigns on all human rights and specific application of ESCRs targeting youth, school clubs, men, women, duty bearers, PWD among others; Capacity building of Human right monitors/paralegals , Duty bearers on the content of ESCRs and CSO network in Kilifi County(stakeholder involvement), Development of IEC materials in relation to human rights in relation to the constitution, media coverage, documentation of lessons learnt and video documentary and Organizing learning platforms in Kilifi County on various aspects of policy and legislation bringing together CSOs and policy makers. visit for further information.